The Food Pantry at St. Michael’s
The Food Pantry delivers healthy groceries each month to seniors living in subsidized housing in the Town of Litchfield. St. Michael’s acts as fiscal sponsor to permit tax advantaged donations to fund the purchase of food and offers use of
the Community House for storage and preparation for deliveries. Volunteers from across the community are involved in Pantry activities.
Checks may be made payable to “Saint Michael’s” with “Food Pantry” marked in the memo line.
Mail to: The Food Pantry c/o St. Michael’s Litchfield
PO Box 248
Litchfield, CT 06759
The Always Open Shelves
The Always Open Shelves provide easy and anonymous access to anyone who needs help. The shelves are restocked daily by church volunteers and offer a variety of non-perishable staples such as cereal, pasta, sauce, canned meats, soup, stew, peanut butter and condiments. The shelves are centrally located in the St Michael’s Community House. The meeting room is frequented by local community groups, including five 12 Step programs each week.
Cash donations allow the volunteers to purchase in bulk. We also welcome food donations which can be left in the basket at the back of the church or on the last pew at
the rear of the church.

“I am over the age of 70 and I never dreamed of myself or any member of my family ever standing in line for food other than in a grocery store. Yet with my adopted daughter, who has had a lifelong struggle with disabling birth defects and illness…And… who is now struggling to live an independent life… Together we found ourselves in line at the food pantry. I sincerely thank you for the kindness and thoughtfulness we experienced here. The generosity was almost overwhelming. To see her spirits lifted was wonderful. Many thanks.”