Music at St. Michael’s

Liturgical music reinforces prayer and is an integral part of worship. The holy blend of sacred text and sacred music, integrated within the liturgy, can transform those who sing and those who listen at their deepest levels.
The word “liturgy” is derived from two Greek words — laos (people or multitude) and ergon (work). The roots of the word imply the concept of communal action rather than individual or personal show. Within the liturgical context, an opportunity exists to transcend the commonplace to the mysterious and sacred.
The sung ritual of faith sums up and reaffirms the spiritual aspirations of a parish. St. Michael’s Parish has enjoyed a long commitment to Anglican music during its 266-year history, and we continue that commitment by offering ourselves in the work of worship. Hymns, psalms, anthems–all are present in the service to reinforce the Word and to glorify God.
St. Michael’s Choir is a community of singers with a commitment to musical excellence. Our ministry is centered around the Sunday morning service and special days in the liturgical year. We also offer to the community a musical program which reflects our mission, through regular choral concerts, instrumental recitals, and other musical presentations and workshops.
The choir is open to singers ages 16 and older; all degrees of experience are welcomed. A love of singing and a commitment to service are the only requirements for membership. Rehearsals take place on Wednesday evenings. The choir sings for the 10:00 a.m. service each Sunday from September through the early June, as well as for special services such as Christmas Eve and Ash Wednesday.
If you have any interest in joining us, or performing at St. Michael’s please contact our Music Director, Daniel Scifo at music@stmichaels-litchfield.