Opportunities to Serve

Liturgical Ministries
Altar Guild: Teams of three to five members prepare the altar for services one or two Sundays a month, and assist with weddings, funerals and special services as needed. Sara Gadomski, Directress, Peggy Sullivan, Assistant Directress
Flower Guild: Members take turns providing fresh arrangements of Altar flowers for Sunday services.
Lay Liturgical Leaders: Readers, intercessors, chalice bearers and acolytes assist at Sunday services. Worship leaders, licensed by the Bishop, lead Morning Prayer and other non-eucharistic services.
Lay Eucharistic Visitors (LEV): Specially trained volunteers are licensed by the Bishop to take Eucharist to those who cannot attend church services. Peg Sullivan
Ushers: Teams of two distribute leaflets, collect offerings, attend to congregants during services.
Greeters: Greets and connects with new worshipers at each service. Providing information about our parish life and collecting contact information, if appropriate. Curry Walker
Choir: The choir is open to singers ages 16 and older; all degrees of experience are welcomed. A love of singing and a commitment to service are the only requirements for membership.
Ministries of Hospitality and Care
Hospitality Committee: coordinates events where food will be served including Coffee Hour after the 10am service, potlucks, and receptions after special services and events. Rosamond Quay, Peggy Sullivan
Outreach: Seasonally we collect coats for FISH, underwear for Operation Overflow, and Christmas gift for children identified by Covenant to Care, and special offerings for the Food Pantry.
Lay Pastoral Care: maintains contact with members of our church community with special concerns. Martha Babbitt
Newcomers Ministry: Welcomes new parishioners to church. Follows up if there are any questions and coordinates the Newcomers Luncheon. Curry Walker
The Food Pantry: A monthly distribution of food given to anyone suffering from food insecurity. Stocks, multiple times per week, an always open pantry shelf. This ministry is led by a steering committee, made up of the members of St. Michael’s and members of the community at large. https://stmichaels-litchfield.org/food-pantry/
Prayer Chain: members pray daily for those for whom prayers have been requested. These requests are kept private, unless it is requested that they be included in the bulletin.
Drivers: A team of volunteers pick up local residents who need transportation to church for Sunday service or other events. Kristin Eaton and Anne Yanaway
Property Stewardship
Dragon Ladies: (or Dragons, on becoming a mixed group) Women and men who fill in the gaps of cleaning, straightening, organizing, and beautifying the sanctuary, parish house and grounds. Meeting most Tuesdays (but the day is negotiable) for several hours, this is a ministry of property stewardship, fellowship and miscellany (e.g., watering plants, organizing closets, making puppets). No experience needed, learn as you work. All welcome. Sara Gadomski and Peg Sullivan, co chairs
Lay Weeders: A gardener’s ministry, meeting irregularly and as needed during the spring, summer and fall to care for the grounds. Work includes weeding, mulching, planting, caring for containers, pruning. Some gardening experience preferred but happy to train. All welcome. Nancy Post
Property Commission: This ministry oversees the stewardship of our real properties in prioritizing projects and seeing that they are accomplished, either through outside sources or by volunteer effort and by recommending to the vestry any extraordinary work. Its mission statement is: To be faithful stewards of the physical plant and grounds of all properties of the parish. Regularly scheduled meetings are held the first Tuesday of the month. Richard Quay
Financial Stewardship
Capital Campaign Committee: raises funds for the repair of our stonework, slate roof and stained glass windows. The last campaign started in the fall of 2015, construction started in 2016 and was successfully completed in 2017 with the dedication of the new stained glass window. Peter Aziz
Annual Stewardship Team: plans and organizes the annual Stewardship Campaign.
Investment Committee: reviews and manages the financial health of the Parish assets.
Counters: count Sunday offerings and prepare the paperwork for the bank deposit. Bob Rumsey and Ann McKinney
Weekly E-blast: Coordinates materials, formats and sends the Friday newsletter to parish members and friends.
Website: Updated and maintained.
Facebook: Posts parish and ECCT news. Susie Pollock and Jo Ann Jaacks
Publicity: informs and inspires the community about events at St. Michael’s. Jo Ann Jaacks
Office Volunteers: Answers the phone, checks email and fills in at the office when Karen is away. They also help with large projects such as preparing mailings and publications.